Ramit Mizrahi is a full-time employment law mediator and does not represent or provide legal advice to individual parties.
For mediation inquiries/bookings by attorneys or legal staff only:
To inquire about Ramit’s mediation availability or fees, please email dates@mizrahilaw.com.
To book a mediation date, send an email to mediate@mizrahilaw.com with the following information, copying opposing counsel:
- Party names;
- Names and contact information for all counsel;
- A brief description of the case, including claims alleged;
- Whether the case is prelitigation or in litigation and, if the latter, case venue and number;
- Whether the mediation will be held by Zoom or in person (and desired location, if in person);
- Requested date;
- Requested start time (default is 10 a.m.; with Zoom mediations, we can begin earlier to accommodate participants in different time zones with agreement);
- Information on the agreed-upon fee split; and
- Confirmation that counsel have cleared the date with all key attendees (counsel, clients, adjusters) and agree to comply with the mediation procedures and the cancellation policy on the website.
Counsel for the other party/parties should then confirm that they have cleared the date with all key attendees (counsel, clients, adjusters) and that they agree to comply with the mediation procedures and the cancellation policy on this page.